Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2018

Resensi Buku Zoologi Invertebrata (Teori dan Praktik) karya Drs. Adun Rusyana, M. Pd.

Judul Buku             : Zoologi Invertebrata (Teori dan Praktik)
Pengarang               : Drs. Adun Rusyana, M. Pd.
Penerbit                  : Alfabeta
Tahun Terbit           : Cetakan ke-3, 2013
Jumlah Halaman     : vi + 282 Halaman
Ukuran Buku          : 16,3 cm x 23,8 cm
Tebal Buku             : 1,2 cm
Nomor ISBN          : 978-602-8800-69-3

       Invertebrata adalah salah satu cabang biologi yang sangat luas dengan seluruh hewan yang banyak yang ada didalamnya. Hewan ini tidak memiliki tulang belakang karena tidak memiliki kerangka internal yang terbuat dari tulang yang menyokong bagian belakang atau dorsal punggungnya. Mulai dari Protozoa hingga Arthropoda, seluruh filum ini adalah hewan yang masuk dalam cabang invertebrata. BUku ini dibuat khusus bagi orang yang ingin mempelajari Invertebrata secara lebih lanjut, baik itu mahasiswa biologi maupun masyarakat umum. BUku ini memaparkan urutan yang tepat, mulai dari organisme Invertebrata sederhana hingga organisme invertebrata paling kompleks lengkap dengan filum yang dijelaskan. 
      Buku ini tersusun sesuai kompetensi yang disediakan bagi mahsiswa biologi yang sedang menempuh mata kuliah Avertebrata atau Invertebrata. Buku Zoologi Invertebrata (Teori dan Praktik) terdiri dari empat unit yang didalamnya terdapat sebelas bab yang terbagi bagi. Unit 1 erisi empat bab, yaitu Filum Protozoa, Filum Porifera, Filum Coelentarata,  dan Filum Ctenophora. Pada unit 2 berisi Filim Platyhelmintes, Filum Aschelminthes, Filum Nemathelminthes, dan Filum Anellida. Selanjutnya pada unit ketiga berisi Filum Mollusca dan Filum Echinodermata. Terakhir, pada unit keempat berisi Filum Arthropoda.
      Kekurangan buku ini adalah kurang lengkapnya informaasi yang terdapat pada penjelasan masing masing kelasnya. Terdapat kata kata yang sangat sederhana dan tidak dijelaskan lebih lanjut.
      Disamping itu, buku ini sangat cocok dijadikan sumber referensi bagi mereka yang ingin mempelajari Invertebrata secara lebih mendalam dengan kalimat yang sederhana dan mudah dicerna. Pemaparan contoh hewan INvertebrata yang ada pada buku ini juga lengkap sehingga dapat diaplikasikan pada kehidupan sehari - hari.

Buku ini dapat ditemukan DISINI

How to Not Be Lazy | Cara Agar Tidak Malas

Getting Motivated

Find reasons to stay active. 
A major reason for laziness is a lack of motivation. You can be discouraged by a daunting pile of tasks, or a feeling that the challenges of your day simply aren't worth motivating yourself for. Think of the big picture. It can be easy to get lost in the day-to-day tasks of life and not realize what you're working toward. Take some time out of each day to remind yourself how the task at hand is contributing to larger goals for your life. These can be financial, fitness, or education goals that will help your career and personal life. Make a list of reasons why you want to accomplish tasks before you.
Celebrate success and milestones. 
You may feel less motivation to do something if it feels insignificant. Stay optimistic and when you complete a task, give yourself a pat on the back. This will also help keep you from being lazy because you are seeing the fruits of your labor. Whether its exercise, school, or work, make sure you have objective, achievable goals along the way. Write them out and check them off when you accomplish them.
Don't beat yourself up. 
Laziness can be a self-perpetuating cycle. It can be a type of self-loathing. When you are lazy and fail to complete a task, you can sink into a depression that makes you less likely to keep pushing.
  • If you keep telling yourself that you are lazy, you'll always be lazy. From now on, stop that kind of internal conversation. Tell yourself repeatedly that you are a man of action. Visualize yourself as a hardworking person finishing all the necessary tasks at hand. Do this every day for 30 days until it becomes a habit.
  • Make time for relaxation. There is a tendency to always associate inactivity with laziness. This produces guilt and can perpetuate more laziness. Rather than beat yourself up, allow yourself time to relax with no guilt.
Encourage accountability. 
Rather than go at everything alone, put yourself in a situation where peers and family can help motivate you. Group accountability is great motivator for staying fit, staying on task, and moving toward goals. 
  • If you're trying to get in better shape, find a gym buddy or an exercise class. It will feel like you are letting others down if you skip and you are more likely to keep at it. If it is a school goal, find a friend in the class that can help you study and stay on track with achieving grades you want.
Recognize that you're procrastinating. 
Sometimes part of procrastinating is filling our day up with so many side tasks that we have difficulty seeing what we are really doing. Look for useful indicators that you're procrastinating that include. :
  • Sitting down to do something important and then deciding to get coffee or a snack.
  • Filling up your day with low priority tasks.
  • Re-reading memos or e-mails many times before deciding what to do with them.
Taken from Wikihow

How to Make English Breakfast | Cara Membuat Sarapan Ala UK

Stress-free full English breakfast
Englis Breakfast (BBC Food)
Bahan   :

  • 2 Sosis
  • 2-3 Bacon Sapi
  • 2 Jamur Kancing Besar
  • 1 atau 2 potong tomat
  • 1 telur
  • 1 potong roti Tawar
Cara Masak   :

  1. Panaskan wajan datar dengan tingkat panas rendah, lapisi dengan sedikit minyak pada wajan
  2. masak sosis terlebih dahulu. tambahkan sosis pada wajan dan biarkan masak dengan lambat pada waktu 15-20 menit. balik sosis seperlunya hingga keemasan. setelah 10 menit, tambahkan panas hingga medium sebelum mulai memasak bahan yang lain
  3. masak bacon sapi yang teah disiapkan sebelumnya dan masak hingga 2-4 menit pada setiap sisi  hingga matang
  4. cuci jamur sebelum dimasak. lalu masak jamur pada suhu medium dengan waktu 1-4 menit setiap sisi atau sampai selesai
  5. masak tomato yang telah dipotong menjadi dua, masak dengan sisi basah terlebih dahulu, tunggu hingga matang sekitar 2-3 menit lalu bolak balik jika perlu
  6. masak telur dengan cara masak mata sapo atau scrambled seusai keinginan anda
  7. apabila seluruh bahan telah matang, sajikan pada piring yang telah disediakan dan sajikan selagi hangat

Lirik lagu Maroon 5 - Girls Like You (Feat. Cardi B.)

Maroon 5 - Girls Like You (Feat Cardi B.)

Spent 24 hours, I need more hours with you
You spent the weekend getting even, ooh
We spent the late nights making things right between us
But now it's all good, babe
Roll that Backwood, babe
And play me close

'Cause girls like you run 'round with guys like me
'Til sundown when I come through
I need a girl like you, yeah yeah
Girls like you love fun, and yeah, me too
What I want when I come through
I need a girl like you, yeah yeah

Yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah
I need a girl like you, yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah
I need a girl like you

I spent last night on the last flight to you
Took a whole day up trying to get way up, ooh
We spent the daylight trying to make things right between us
But now it's all good, babe
Roll that Backwood, babe
And play me close

'Cause girls like you run 'round with guys like me
'Til sundown when I come through
I need a girl like you, yeah yeah
Girls like you love fun, and yeah, me too
What I want when I come through
I need a girl like you, yeah yeah

Yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah
I need a girl like you, yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah
I need a girl like you, yeah yeah
I need a girl like you, yeah yeah
I need a girl like you

Maybe it's 6:45
Maybe I'm barely alive
Maybe you've taken my shit for the last time, yeah
Maybe I know that I'm drunk
Maybe I know you're the one
Maybe you thinking it's better if you drive

'Cause girls like you run 'round with guys like me
'Til sundown when I come through
I need a girl like you, yeah...
'Cause girls like you run 'round with guys like me
'Til sundown when I come through
I need a girl like you, yeah yeah
Girls like you love fun, and yeah, me too
What I want when I come through
I need a girl like you, yeah yeah

Yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah
I need a girl like you, yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah
I need a girl like you